Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sean picks!

You've read the reviews from all the Origami staff and intern but something was missing, wasn't it? That something is Sean. Fondly referred to as "DJ Tentz," Sean is the teddy bear and music encyclopedia of the store. He gives great high fives and even better hugs when he's feeling really friendly. Here is his review...and a mental picture of him dancing in his apartment. Do we share too much?
Little Dragon - Ritual Union
Little Dragon have made another big step forward in their sound with the sweetly sinister Ritual Union. Dance music for the non-dancer. Intelligent pop music filled to the brim with mind-bending metaphor. It's minimal, yet tasteful and never lacking - a perfect practice in restraint. Every song pulses and bubbles over itself, subtly layering upon singer Yukimi Nagano's incredible voice until you find yourself caught up in their alluring juju web. Throw it on, grab a bottle of something & soon you'll find yourself dancing around in your tighty whities.. just make sure you close your blinds. Your neighbors might not want to see that...

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